

"Seven days."


"You have 7 days to live."

"Aly? Is that you? C'mon, you are acting like I didn't know it was April fools."

Aly : It was that obvious, huh? I can't ever prank you.

"Well, I know you inside and out."

Aly : I don't think you know everything about me.

"Dude you literally died on December 5th 2023. The cause of your death was actually a car accident while you were heading home. When you died, you created this reality where you are alive and living your life as if nothing has happened. This is the fourth time you have realized or been made aware of this, but you choose to ignore the harsh boiling truth and put yourself inside of this delusion that you choose to live in... "

Aly :...
... Well, I'm waiting.

" Waiting for what?"

Aly : for you to say," April fools!"

" Listen, this is not a prank. Go ahead and check your heart pulse. Feel your wrist, c'mon, eh?"

ALY :OK, ok, ok. Why so serious? It's not that deep. Hehehe.
... Hold on!?
... Why can't I feel my own pulse?
Hahaha maybe I ain't doing it right. Yeah, that must be it.

" OK, go find a mirror and look at it."

Aly : ok, I'm standing in front of one.

"OK, what do you see in the mirror?"

Aly : I see my reflect-oi- wait, what?

"What do you see?"

Aly : nothing!

"See, it's true! You have to accept this fact and move on. If you don't, you will be trapped in here for eternity. "

Aly :Hahaha, you switched my mirror for a trick mirror, didn't you?

(Why are people so aggravating to this extent. Especially when they die so young.)
" OK, listen to me now, take this with a grain of salt if you want to, but make no mistake that everything I have said is, in fact, the truth. You will come to realize this as time continues to pass, and your body doesn't show any sign of growth or change.

Aly : So... April fools then?

"Yeah, whatever, why not? April fools, girl!" (At least this never gets boring, hahaha!)

Aly :l knew it! Hehe.

© m. k