

Lost Childhood 25
This time instead of going the way he when before, he decided to circle the block and enter at the other end of the alley. He figured if anyone was watching him, they would think he was leaving and stop watching him. There was plenty of light in the alley, but he didn’t want to look suspicious so he left his headlights on and drove very slowly. He could see the house better by entering from the other end, or maybe it was because he knew what house it was this time.

He was able to pull into the garage entrance to the house next door. This time there was no look out person or they just hadn’t noticed him yet. He sat and observed the activity going on in the house. From what Alex could see there appeared to be a lot of teenagers. It was an equal amount of males and females going in and out of the house. Looked as if they would come out and stand in the backyard smoking after they finished they would head back in the house.

Some of them were also drinking something out of plastic party cups. He was hoping it was Coke or some type of soda; they all appeared too young to be drinking anything else. Although looks can be deceiving, he was pretty sure that not of them were of legal age. Alex wished he had his camera to take some shots so he could compare them to the missing and runaway database. He had seen enough; it was time for him to leave before he was spotted. This time he didn’t turn on his lights until he reached the end of the alley. He exited the same way he entered, then he parked his car on the side street and walked to the van.

While walking he phoned the team to let them know he was coming. They had the door already open when he arrived so he whistled and stepped right in. He informed the team what he had observed from the alley. They made plans to send out a work van to install a high definition camera and possibly a listening device. Maybe they would be able to capture something useful. It would definitely let Sara off the hook; he wouldn’t want anything happening to her, being involved as a lookout for the police department.

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