

The first love: Unforgettable
So this story is about a girl named Elisa and a boy named Alex. They are from different schools but they often encountered each other on the street, Alex had a crush on Elisa but he just don't wanna approach her, Alex was kinda introvert and thought that Elisa might ignore him.she was too beautiful for him.
One day Alex was walking home after the school and he met Elisa infront of her school, she looked at Alex and waves her hand saying hello, Alex couldn't believe that his crush is trying to start a conversation with him.
Elisa: hey, what's your name.
Alex:it's Alex, your?
Elisa: it's Elisa
they were walking together talking about themselves.
Next day:Alex met her(Elisa) again at the same place and they continued the conversation about themselves again and she asked Alex "let's get connected in phones"
the remaining is all about text messages
Alex immediately text her after reaching home
and they started talking in text messages.After somedays Elisa confessed that she like Alex,he was surprised and happy at the same time, he said yes and their relationship started.
they always used to talk to each other through text messages and got even closer, Everything was going good at the starting just like every other relationship,two person talking about their feeling's.
But the worst part is that the happiness won't last longer, when a girl posts pictures with other "boys" it makes her boyfriend uncomfortable. Elisa seem to get bored of this relationship and according to her,those boys were just friends.At situation like this couples need talk about the problem and solve it, unlike Alex and Elisa.
their relationship became toxic just because of some misunderstanding.Alex should've been articulate with Elisa about the misunderstanding rather than overthinking it. And Elisa should've told Alex the reason of her changed behavior.
this miscommunication caused their first "break up"
though they get together again after some days, and everything is back to normal, but just like before the misunderstanding started.
Alex thought that his girlfriend Elisa might be cheating on him, he didn't even confirmed it.
He was self assured that she is cheating and he decided to do the same,by talking to another girl to make Elisa feel the same way. When Elisa get to know about his she got furious. Her anger was obvious, it was Alex's fault that he didn't think to confirm anything from her girlfriend. Communication is very important for any relationship.
because of Alex's stupidity they separated one more time.Now after some months Alex wants to be with Elisa again just like before.But it can never be like before, " we cannot find the same person twice even at the same person".Alex have no choice but to regret about this the rest of his life.

© Rishab sutradhar