

A Love Passed...
Write a short story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

A few years ago I found light in the darkness. I was lost, alone, insecure, scared.Benny and I was friends for years, we met in middle school and did everything together. Time passed and Benny became my best friend. I shared everything with him and vice versa.
Highschool came and went and Benny and I spent every moment we could with each other.
Daydreaming, laughing,together.
We went off to college and things changed.
New friends, new evironment, I grew away from Benny.
Life was busy and exciting. I pushed him on the backround. Little did I know that Benny waited, longed, and prayed for just a little bit of my time.
I was so wrapped up in my new life that I failed to even notice that Benny became pale and uninterested in anything. The months passed and I stopped talking to Benny completely.
Spring break came around and I was so happy to go home. My mom asked about Benny and I gave her an evasive answer about life being busy we didn't have time to hang out. That night at 3am..the phone rang. My dad answered. When he flicked on my light and with a pale face told me that Benny has taken his own life an hour earlier, my entire world came crashing down. Guilt,blame,anger came over me. I sobbed.That morning at 8am,Benny's mom knocked on our door. Sobbing,shaking,holding a sealed letter. She gave it to me and walked away. My name was on the envelope.
"Dearest Lolla.
I have loved you for years. I tried so hard to be your everything,but you didn't see me. I cannot fight another day,pretending I don't care, In life I loved you dearly, in death I'll love you still. Benny"
Years of depression overcame me. I hated whom I was. Therapy kept me going. Then I ran into Benny's mom one day and her words shook me. "Lolla,Benny loved you,you cannot tell your heart whom to love, forgive yourself".I prayed and found peace. Never again will I take any person that care about me for granted.

© Lolla Smith