

Trust Issues
I'm sorry if I'm avoiding the friendship, if you misunderstood me most of the time if I barely talk to you, hoping that you will understand me through this story, I have trust issues I'm just protecting myself, I only talk to one person in this world who understands me a lot right now, and that is Michael my best friend, my twinnie, I've suffered a lot abused, trauma, maltreatment, being bullied, all of the type of pain name it I've experienced it all.

Even to my family, I'm having a hard time opening up because our mother shattered and wrecked my life, and they don't even know every single detail, I keep it to myself all along, the loneliness that I have to keep myself all the time, no one in this world can be strong the way I am right now, I'm having a hard time to trust again because the ones who supposed to be my greatest ally in this world is the one who scarred me.

Before I was the happiest girl in the world who talked a lot and smiled a lot, but not until every day, I became depressed anxiously too, gaining my trust again is hard, it will take time and grand effort, and I will not be like her as I've said many times, love for her was being narcissist, as I grew up there was no role model I am the role model, growing up with a narcissist mother who would gonna kill you every time is torture.

I was just a child that needed love but even that they refused to give to me, most of the time I wondered what it looked like to be loved by your mother, maybe she'd love me a little not like her favourites, but the upper hand I succeeded on not becoming like her I'm inspiring other people, the woman I made right now is because of me, I'm made of life, challenges and pain, so don't blame me if I have trust issues.

© DandelionSky ✨️