

It is Never Too Late
Rohit got back home tired from his office where he never wanted to work but looking at his poor household needs he had no choice but to work streneously.

He dropped his bag on the rugged sofa and sat down exhasperatingly, Looking at the beautiful wildlife pictures hung on the left wall.

Thinking of his good old days he remained on the sofa with his eyes closed while tears ran down from them. He had a fate and he accepted it while depressing his long Lost self that no body cared of.

Suddenly he heard a voice from the kitchen, calling his name.

His mother came out ofthe kitchen with a glass of water and sat beside him while patting his shoulder. Rohit took the glass and looked at his mother, she seemed nervous.

He gulped the water as soon as possible and asked his mother, What's the matter. She hesitantly said " Today the landlord's son came to demand the rent even the last month's rent is pending, what shall we do? "

Hearing this, Rohit got up from the sofa and asked his mother not to worry andsaid as soon I receive my pending salaries, I will pay the rent immediately. He was yet to receive 2 month salary from his office and did't get it because of poor company performance.

He was working tirelessly day and night while his office has withholded Salary for past 2 months not just for him but for every other employee with an excuse of poor financial situation in the company.

Suddenly his eyes lit and he got up from the sofa. A thought struck him and something made him realize that he existed for a different purpose in life, something that won't yield him a lot of money but enough to make him a descent living. He was not getting paid anyway.

He rushed towards his bedroom and Opened his old rusted almirah that probably every Indian household has as an inherited property of ancesters. He opened the locker situated in the middle of the almirah and took out his precious earnings that he had always preserved. It was a Bunch of wildlife photographs that he had clicked in a college trip. He wanted to be a wildlife photographer but could't do so because of his poor financial conditions.

He was still in such a condition but he thought
he was poor even when he is struggling with an unhappy job so he decided to be happy while he is poor. He smiled looking at the photographs.

He took a stool that was placed nearby, carefully climbed on it and withdrew a huge box from above the almirah. He dusted the box and opened it utmost care and as he did so tears of happiness rolled down his eyes.

Kirtika bhattacharya
© secret dreamer