

Several months had passed by and its now 2022,Sister Samantha and her secret lover still together while she's a NUN at the church.Its Christmas evening and Christ had just finish cooking few of her favorite meals(fish, curry Chicken,bake chicken with raw vegetables, white rice and along with cherry juice ). Few moments later and Samantha have just arrive home" WOW SOMETHING SMELLS REALLY DELICIOUS" she said ,well honey I made some of your favorite meals and juice ,today is gonna be a very special and unforgettable. " why is that my love ?" she asked, you will see later my love" he said while smiling. Samantha Powell who's known as sister Samantha went to the dinning room to set out two plate,two forks,two glass cups and napkins on the table. Few minutes have passed and he bring the food to the table while sharing the food for his self and her. "THIS LOOKS AND SMELL REALLY GOOD".They started saying prayers before they start eatting " DARE FATHER I THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE THAT ENTER MY LIFE AND I THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING HERE ",AMEN They said while opening there eyes. The couple start eating and enjoying the food he had prepared then he look at Samantha and said " I LOVE YOU AND WANAN SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH YOU ". She stood in shock then said " I LOVE YOU TOO MY LOVE". Christ got up and wentbon his knees and turn to Samantha direction then he took out this ring case open it and said " SAMANTHA POWELL WILL YOU MARRY ME"? she stand up and start to cry because deep down she knows that she being living a lie and wasn't really being true to anybody but then she look at him then smile and said "YES CHRIST I WILL MARRY YOU". He put on the most beautiful ring she have ever seen in her whole life. After everything they finish up dinner and started to celebrate by dancing and singing songs.

© Annastacia smith