

Peter Waters
I would like to tell you a story about a childhood friend, Peter Waters, he will feature a lot in a series of poems I'm going to write as we used to hang about together.
I was never sure how many siblings he had but there seemed to be a lot for a three bedroom house, none of us were ever allowed in .
Several of us were in the same year at the same school Peter was in the lower class although he swore blind he's dad used to be a school teacher, a few of us in the middle class my cousin Nick in the class above, anyway back to Peter, as I said we hung about, riding bikes, listening to music and searching for girls.
One evening we walked several miles for Peter to ask a girl out, she accepted,he was elated even on that long walk home. We left school and Peter got a job in a metal recycling factory, pretty soon he was working alone watching a conveyor system, that's when something terrible happened, Peter's arm got snagged on a piece of metal, his arm was ripped off but he picked his severed limb up and ran to where people were before he collapsed with shock and blood loss, he survived but lost his arm as it had been torn from the socket, it was a mess. Regardless of this the girlfriend who he was still with stood by him and nursed he back to as reasonable life as possible, he did receive a payment from the company which makes his life a bit more comfortable but he'd rather have two arms. I often think of my old friends but like most, we all went our separate ways.

# A true story about a childhood friend
# When you think life's hard read this story it's an inspiration.

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