

The conclusion..
Social isolation had forced an eerie silence upon them. While fear haunted their existence, one question was at the forefront.
When was this going to end?
Jane looked at her boyfriend of 3 years and these questions haunted her...
Isolated with him for so long, no work or friends or social gatherings to distract them and suddenly they had nothing left to say to one another.
Paul and Jane suddenly realised that for the first year of their relationship it was pure bliss,the last two years they relied on everything else . Now that they are forced to be alone and have no other distractions, they can't even have a conversation without jumping at each other's throats..
Is this what their love and relationship have come to?..Constant fights and disagreements about everything, suddenly not having a thing in common, waking up annoyed and going to bed sad..
Paul sat on the edge of the bed, his shoulders hanging, dragging on his cigarette and then he asked himself the same question he has been asking the past three months:"Why did I fall in love with Jane?"
And finally on this gloomy sunday morning the answer was clear as day..
Jane was spontaneous and caring and wild and free, everything he wasn't..
She made him crave life and living.
On the other end of the bed Jane just asked herself the same question and she came up with..
Paul is stable and serious and kind and solid..everything she wasn't.
And at that very moment Paul and Jane turned to one another and at the same time..looking into each other's eyes they whispered:" You complete the missing parts of me"..and they smiled. Because they both knew there would be many more fights to come but it would be worth it..like the old saying goes.."opposites attract".. and it was proven.
They did not have the perfect relationship, they had ups and downs,
but each of them found what they were missing most in themselve's within each other and always will.
Love is not perfect but it is worth it..

© Lolla Smith