

disentangled due to destiny (cold welcome to Nidha)
Varun was lost in thoughts, sipping some orange juice in the canteen he got an idea !
Glaring at his sandwich dripping with chillie sauce,he said Holi hai, in a nasty rough voice with a sm

His devilishly charming smile,made his mates crave to know what was going in this devil's head..
He called kavvya and said the whole thing, and then she told it to everyone, they all started to laugh like maniacs walking out of the place..

Next day*(Holi)
There was a celebration in the campus, everyone distributing gifts, wishing each other and applying colours , Nidha perfectly dressed in white kurta and denim with a blue dupatta came out of the dorm exited and one more COLLISION! no!!! Wait!?
It was prevented, a girl pulled Varun aside and she was saved!!
" thanks a lot sista, I would have collided and all my sweets would have fallen down you saved me , I'm Nidha" she said passing her sweet silly smile adjusting her specs...
Varun popped up in between"nice name NIDHA " with sarcasm and a wild smirk.
She forced her smile and replied "thanks"
Entering between their convo and moving Varun aside by her hand , the girl introduced herself" I'm kavvya, Varun's gf plus best friend "

Nidha was about to shake hands but kavvya stoped her raising her hand ✋. She turned to Varun and said " honey let's just give a cool welcome to our new mate Nidha, let's head to canteen...

Nidha: "😁 nah nah no need for this your words are enough"
Kavvya: uh-uh! It's not enough for us! We want a partyyyyyyy!!
Kavvya held her hand and dragged her to canteen and asked what would she like to have first
She was hesitating, and noded her head in a no..
Nidha: nah your friendship and kind words are enough sista 🤗 it's all I ever wanted!!

Varun motioned some boys behind him.
While kavvya shouted on the others to grab all what's available..
Ice-creams, chocolates and all sorts of edibles were brought, suddenly some kids started to gather around the canteen making a circle around them...

Varun raised his voice and said:
"Hello everyone, this is NIDHA ! Joined us yesterday and you know how we met?
She collided into me and scratched my guitar!!!
But! We are giving her a cool welcome"

Everyone was listening till he was talking, and now they were talking in low voices, with stunned faces already knowing that Nidha was in grave danger now, WAITING for Varun's action eagerly...

stay tuned for more 😊

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© sociopath