

(It is a breezy and cool early Tuesday morning in St. Helena, California on October the 24th in 2023. In multi-million farm were horses run free and crops freely grow, lurks a lushes drop dead woman that any man would want. Her name, Mrs. Angela Channing. This wonderful woman, Mrs. Angela Channing, is also owner of one biggest winerys on Earth, FALCON CREST. FALCON CREST also has the biggest crop of grapes in St. Helena, California.

With all of the horses, crops, and grapes, to every side of lightness comes a shaded a bit darker. Darker with evil and divil. With all of the Channing families riches, sometimes money can not buy your way out of trouble. Sometimes, money can get you deeper in the trouble that your in. Could the old saying be right? Money is the root of all evil... or is it?)

Mrs. Angela Channing: It is glories morning here in St. Helena, California. Beautiful bird's are starting to flying South, leafs are changing colors, and the temperature sinks from hot to a chilly breeze.

Mr. Douglas Channing: I know my dear, Angela. It seems that Fall is among us.

Mrs. Angela Channing: You are right, Dear. You know what, Honey? Let us through a party tonight.

Mr. Douglas Channing: A party? Do you think it is not a little to soon?

Mrs. Angela Channing: Let us just invite family and close friends. I do not won't our little secret to get out right now.

(As Mrs. Angela Channing and Mr. Douglas Channing hug and kiss each other, there loving son, Richard Channing, was in the barn caring for his horse. As Richard Channing was caring for his loving horse, Richard Channing was feeling a little tipes as he takes a swig to drink.)

Richard Channing: You are a pretty horse. Oh, yes you are. You are so pretty, let me take you for a test ride before the horse races tomorrow. I beat that we will come in first place.

(As Richard Channing climbed on top of the beautiful racing horse, Richard Channing fell off of the beautiful racing horse as the beautiful racing horse broke it front left leg. While Richard Channing layed there passed out, the beautiful racing horse screamed in pain. As Mrs. Angela Channing was wondering what was all that noise, Mr. Douglas Channing rushed down to the field to find out what the problem is.)

Mr. Douglas Channing: Richard, were are my son. Your mother, Angela Channing, and I have something that we need to talk over with you about. Yes, you are involved in mine and your mother's designen as well.

(When Mr. Douglas Channing found Richard Channing, Richard was barely hanging on to life. Quickly, Mr. Douglas Channing picked up Richard Channing and ran back to FALCON CREST MANOR.)

Mr. Douglas Channing: Angela, quickly, call the doctor! Our son, Richard Channing, has fallen off his beautiful race horse and and seem to be put into a deep comma. We must come together and care for him.

Mrs. Angela Channing: I deeply agree, Douglas. Our troubled marriage should not matter. Let's through off the party a care for Richard.

Mr. Douglas Channing: You know something, Angela? Eventhought we are going are different ways, I will always love you.

(At that moment, Richard Channing came to and heard everything. Holding back his tears, Richard Channing tried to get up and slowly walk out without crying.) THE END