

Story : The Freelancer.
Caution : This story contains brief mentions of sex and sexual activity between characters.

During the distant antiquity, somewhere in some distant corner of the world lived a very shrewd, tyrannical landlord. An entire town full of vast acres and a thousand strong populace was under the fiefdom of this landlord. To whoever may view only a glimpse of this town from outside, they’d clearly figure-out the striking contrast in everything, between the royalty and the commoners, between the landlord and his subjects.

While the landlord, his dozens of queens, and all the royal members of his court lived in the high-castle full of indulgent opulence, the commoners lived in the other end of the town, in shabby dwellings, in a virtual slavery for their landlord who had restricted their freedom of movement, as much as their freedom of expression.

If any of the townsfolk wanted to casually travel to a neighbouring town, they were bound to take the permission of the commander-in-chief of the Landlord’s army. Their permission was mostly denied and they were subjected to work for fourteen to fifteen hours a day in the farms, and others in varied shops of the town.

This wasn’t all. The landlord in collusion with his royal priestly class had restricted the sexuality of his entire townsfolk. Only, the heterosexual, monogamous marriage was the legal allowance of consummation in that town, by the landlord.

If any of the townsmen were found to be indulging in any form of affair outside marriage, they were immediately executed on the orders of the landlord, especially the women!

Even though, he himself, his clergy, and the male members of his royalty pretended to uphold their religion by falsely (and frequently) projecting their image of being puritanically chaste and devout followers of their faith, all of them secretly enjoyed wild sexual orgies inside the royal chambers of their castle.

However, all the royal women of the castle, be it the landlord’s twelve queens, the wives of the priests or any other noble women were strictly prohibited to pursue any relationships outside their marriage. So despite knowing of their husbands’ wanton revelry, despite most of them being unsatisfied with their husband, they had to perpetually suppress their desires until they were all dead, or face the wrath of the landlord!

All of it changed when one-day an itinerant troupe of bards and their leader arrived in that town, by pure coincidence. It was morning when all the royalties gathered near the main gate of their castle, to meet them.

Landlord initiated the conversation with their leader by asking, “Tell me who and your mates? Why are all of you here? And what y’all do?”

Their leader was as if an angel-descent. He was so handsome, so muscular; the royal-ladies couldn’t take their eyes-off from him, even for a moment.

Smilingly he replied, “I’m the freelancer, Sire and my mates help me in my freelancing.”

“Well, what do y’all freelance?” the landlord continued,

To which he answered immediately, “We freelance love & happiness, my Lord!” , with his gentle smile broadening even more, as if casting a hypnotic spell upon the ladies.

“We sing and dance, we perform and entertain, and we don’t charge any single penny for that. We ask you only to allow us a stay for a few days in your town, and to feed us your bread.”

Landlord himself was enchanted by the sweet diction with which the freelancer proposed his requirements. Ultimately, he gave in and said “Fair enough; I’ll allow y'all a vacant cottage for five days in my town, no more no less. This evening all of you are obliged to present your performance amidst the centre of our town.”

In showing obeisance, the freelancer and his troupe bowed down in front of the freelancer, after which the latter's servant guided them all to their cottages.

That evening, their performance, during which the entire town had gathered together, was unlike anything all of them had ever seen before. To the delight of all the townswomen; the freelancer danced, sang, threw witty jokes, performed and told stories, at times he played lyre, played flute and at times, even played ukulele with his robust arms. He instantly ignited the sexual-fire inside the royal women, all of whose erogenous zones aroused and started tingling on a mere sight of the freelancer performing.

That midnight, hours after the performance ended and the town became chilling quiet; someone knocked on the door of the large cottage in which the freelancer and his companions were sleeping. Goosebumps stood on his body when after opening the door he saw the landlord’s high queen and eleven of his other wives standing across from him.

“Let us arrive inside your cottage freelancer. Let us have a word with you and your friends” the high queen said.

All of the ladies were dressed in black robes which covered their entire bodies.

Being the gentleman he was, the freelancer agreed and said, “Sure, my ladies.”

Once inside the cottage, the high queen watched eight other companions of their freelancer also awaken.

“We’ve sneaked past the heavy patrol of the night-soldiers and luckily made it to your cottage.” The high queen continued, “The moment we saw your performance all of us were immediately attracted to you and your friends.”

“Too long have we suppressed our desires, all the while our hypocritical husbands enjoy innumerable affairs outside marriage. All of us are unhappy with our husbands. So we all beg y’all to make love with us!”

Saying this all, to the shock of the freelancer and his friends; the high-queen and her eleven companion queens undressed from their robes, revealing their glorious nakedness. For a while, all the nine men stood jaw-dropped in front of the women, unable to decide what to do.

Little later, the unabashedly naked high queen walked seductively towards the freelancer and motioned him to copulate with her by hugging him, after which the other women followed her suite, with the eight men in the troupe.

What followed was a kinky night of orgy between the Landlord's twelves and the nine men. In the words of the women; It was the best sex they had in their lifetime until now.

After all of it was over; the freelancer ordered his friends and all the women to quickly dress up and get out of the town as soon as possible, because if the landlord knew what had conspired in their cottage he’d behead all of them.

It was still early morning when all the twelve noble women eloped with the eight bards and the freelancer, while most of the townsfolk and the royalty were sleeping.

It was too late when the next morning the landlord became aware about the situation. In his rage he commanded his entire army to scatter in every direction from the town, to somehow bring all of them back, so as to execute them!

But the entire army’s search proved to be helpless as the troupe of bards and the women had travelled far away, in a distant country, far from the clutches of the landlord.

In the days which followed; Landlord, his clergy, and the other members of royalty became a laughing-stock for the entire townspeople. All of their hypocrisy now lay bare-exposed for the entire town.

Eventually, after a month of humiliation; the landlord’s commander-in-chief, along with the support of the townsfolk revolted against the landlord, overthrew him and imprisoned him and his priest in their own castle. The commander declared himself to be the new ruler of the town.

As days went by; the ruler proved to be more just, more adept and more tolerant and caring towards the needs of his subjects. No innocent was now punished under his rule, and all the people of the town could now freely travel anywhere and freely explain themselves.

Meanwhile, in the other end of the world, in some far, distant country; the freelancer, his eight gentlemen and the twelve ladies now collectively became a travelling-troupe of performers who journeyed town to town, spreading joy.

The freelancer had once arrived in the landlord’s town like a ‘kiss’- A kiss of fresh air. Would anyone have predicted that his mere kiss of love and happiness would soon end the tyranny in a town, and would liberate the townsmen from their frustrations?

© Kishan Trivedi

#Love&love #freedom #tyranny #Life&Life! #WritcoFamily