

Hey, you... I know you're reading this
Did you have water today? No coffee doesn't count.
The world never stops spinning, life will never really stop, but you deserve some time for yourself where life seems to halt for a while. You deserve to breathe and savour the world.
I'm proud of you, whatever you feel you have accomplished today is worth being proud of, even if you simply managed to get out of bed.

Don't forget to write a poem or a story today. I want to hear your thoughts, they matter and I enjoy reading them.

Sometimes life seems to get overwhelming, chaos after chaos, nightmare after nightmare. Sometimes we simply need to slow down and appreciate the sun, the air, and most importantly, ourselves. Despite all the horrors around us, we are still here and we are still breathing and I am incredibly proud of us.

We are all flawed in some way or another but we are all worthy of love, especially from ourselves. Everyone has the opportunity to leave our life, but not ourselves, so be your own biggest supporter because you deserve it. Remind yourself you are beautiful, special, and worthy of love, my dear.

© BellaSparkles