

Game of despair : part 1
- Traitor's Traps -
Two years ago, we made a decision, and we still regret it. Let's say my name is Justin. I had four friends, Michael, Max, John, and Peter. We still live in California because we have no choice. Two years ago, we were all excited for the summer holidays because we had plans for holidays. Max told us that there was a super cool beach, and we should visit there. It was the first time that we all went somewhere together, and that's why we were all excited. But one of us planned something different. Summer holiday started, and as planned, we went to the beach. We had fun together and made some great memories there. Now it's 9 p.m. We checked out from our hotel, and as planned, we were going to a second destination. It was a forest area. You could see trees and bushes everywhere. Suddenly, Michael said, 'Hey dude, someone is following us.' There was a car behind us. The car had been following us for half an hour. Now we all are very daring and healthy kind of people, so we thought, 'Why don't we just ask them directly?' We stopped our car, and as expected, they also did the same thing. We went to them, but before asking anything, six or seven bodybuilders came out from the car and pointed their guns at us. One of them came and injected something, and we lost our consciousness there. When we woke up, we found ourselves in a cell. We were confused. What happened? Where are we? Why are we being kidnapped? These questions surrounded us. Then, we heard an unknown voice. 'Hey players! Welcome to the game of despair.' We saw a man wearing a black suit with a mask on his face. John asked, 'Who are you? What do you want?' He said, 'Don't worry, my name is Mr. Clark, and I am here to help you.' He then started explaining, ' after two days, all of you will go to play a dangerous game that can be life-threatening. Do you want to play the game?' We all said no, and Mr. Clark said, 'As you wish, but at least listen to what you will get if you win. Your winning prize is $500 million.' We were all shocked. No one said anything. Mr. Clark said, 'I want you all to decide whether you play or not. You have two days. The choice is always yours.' And then he disappeared into darkness. We all belonged to very poor families, and we all wanted to be rich, but not at this cost. John and I were completely against this game, but Michael, Max, and Peter wanted to play this game. After a huge fight among us, we all decided not to play this game. Two days later, 20 to 30 black-masked bodybuilders came. They took us out of jail and gave each of us a sheet and a pen. Then we heard Mr. Clark's voice on the speaker. 'Hello player, hope you're all fine. Now it's time for you to decide if you will play the game or not. Write your answer on the sheet with your name and give it to our staff. After one hour, your future will be decided.' We did exactly as he said. After one hour, Mr. Clark arrived and said, 'Hello players, what's up? We appreciate your patience. Now it's time for the result. So, you all decided to play this game of despair. Very well.' We were all shocked.

John said, "but we don't want to play this game, and that's what we wrote on the sheet."

"In the sheet, are you sure?" Mr. Clark asked.

"The first thing to note is that there are 25 participants for this game, including you," Mr. Clark continued. "The decision to play this game is decided by majority vote. Thirteen out of 25 voted 'yes'."

"Everyone heard this announcement on the speaker, but I came here especially to tell you guys. Do you know why?" Mr. Clark paused for effect. "Because one of you decided to play this game."

All of us were confused. "What is he talking about?" John asked.

"The 13th person who wants to play is one of you," Mr. Clark continued. "When we collected each of your sheets, there was a draw. Twelve people want to play, and twelve do not ,but the 13th one who decided to play this game is one of your friend group. Looks like this game is going to be very interesting. One thing I'd like to mention, we didn't pick you randomly. One of your friends already knows about this game and paid fees to participate with every one of you. Yes, there is a traitor in your group". We were all shocked, terrified. A traitor? You're lying," John said. "There's no way one of us is a traitor. You're messing with us. We're all best friends. There's no way one of us could do anything," Mr. Clark said, "I'm not lying. It's your choice to believe it or not. Here's a sheet of the traitor. I wanted you to listen to what Mr. Traitor wants to say. Then he started reading. 'Hey, my dear friends. I know you're shocked and not believing in these kinds of things. But I exist. I paid fees to participate with you all. You know why? I want to know if you're worthy to be my friends or not. Hey, Justin. I'm interested in you. Show me what you got. Show me your talent or die with those garbages.' That's all written in this letter," John said angrily. "I will not let you destroy our friendship, you bastard."

Mr. Clark responded, "Okay, so you want proof, right? Let's do this again." He then handed us a sheet of paper and instructed us to indicate whether we wanted to play or not, without writing our names, just saying yes or no.

"After we handed our sheets to him,"He then revealed our answers. One sheet read 'yes, . we were broke. How could this happen? Who betrayed us? Who is this monster?"

Mr. Clark declared, "I've given you proof. Now, prepare yourselves. In one hour, we'll take you to the stage where you'll meet other participants."

An hour later, some people arrived and escorted us to a large garden, where many others were already gathered. Mr. Clark arrived with six large trucks and unveiled their contents: cages filled with animals. These were no ordinary animals; their appearances were perplexing. Some were large, others had sharp teeth. All of them gazed at us with hungry eyes—hungry for life. Mr. Clark said, 'Now, I will tell you the rules of this game, Tespere.' I felt scared and confused, wondering what would happen and who the traitor was. But despite my fear, I wanted to play the game now—I needed to know who the traitor was. I yelled, 'Tell me!'"
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