

It was a normal Sunday afternoon at church. The pastor was preaching the word of God after reading a passage on the Bible.

(Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.)

"Who may stand in his holy place, For the one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god." Pastor preached.

A song erupted from the choir. I didn't really know the words so I mumbled them.

The attendants of the church created a line that was marching towards the pastor while singing a song:

*Holy, holy, holy...

Merciful and mighty oh god. There is nothing that worth more.

There is nothing that comes close. You are our hope.

You are precious, lord.

Your holy presence is welcomed here.

There is power in your name lord.

We come to you oh- lord, asking for  salvation, there is no problem you can't fail to fix.

holy, holy, holy. *

Clapping along,

My friend requested me to join the line. I agreed because it was not a big deal, plus there was a reason I chose to come with her also.

It was better to get it over with than for my friend to give me hell afterwards.

Joining the back of the line, I mumbled what was being sang. Looking back at my friend Kelly, she was as happy as ever. As I witnessed people being sprayed by water, the line got even shorter until it was just me and a woman who was holding a toddler.

It came to the woman and the child to get baptized. The pastor sprayed the woman with the "holy water" and the toddler. *He* flinched a little bit, but he was calm the entire time. As soon as they were about to go back to their seats, the woman fell into a pause and said, "What is happening to my baby?"

She kneeled down on the floor and hugged her baby tightly and suddenly sobbed. One long-haired usher came to her aid, asked what was wrong.

The woman  just continued crying even heavily. Her voice started to crack as she kept on crying until it exploded into a sharp laughter which confused a lot of people even the pastor. The pastor approached the chuckling woman and asked what was the problem. She turned to the pastor and said, "My baby is now reborn. He is truly one of the *puriest*. God has truly blessed my boy!"

The pastor took a look at the child and then smiled.

"Your child is truly a blessing from the almighty. "

He then held the toddler up high in the air to showcase the miracle that had transpired. Everyone gasped; they began clapping and shouting "I believe, God!" moreover, they kneeled, seeing the baby as if they saw Jesus christ himself standing before them.

The body of the child, as far as I could tell, was all red. Even the hands of the pastor himself were stained. The thick-red liquid also dripped
Onto the floor.

When I looked at the mother's hands, they were holding something leather-like. I concentrated on the thing and  moved backwards until I bumped on the wall behind me. Covering my mouth that was wide open. It was like I was living a nightmare. To confirm what I was seeing was true, I glanced at the toddler once more . He was meaty and veiny. I could see the child's muscles, bones, and even some organs.

An innocent little laughter germinated from the mouth the toddler. Even though I could only see the back of him, I could tell that he wasn't in any pain at all.

A few seconds later, the pastor took the skin that was shed by the child and ripped it into smaller pieces and gave them to his ushers so they could distribute them among the church worshippers.

One muscular usher also came to me and handed me a piece of the skin normally like it was a holy communion. Not knowing what was happening, I rushed towards my friend with the piece of skin inside my fist.

I questioned my friend on what was going on in this church of hers.

"Shhh! It time for the holy communion. We will talk later! "

"I believe, O Lord, and I confess that Thou art truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Who camest into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first." pastor giving thanks to God.

Without hesitation, all began to engulf the baby's skin like it was a pill. Kelly asked me why I didn't swallow my piece.

I told her that I wasn't about to put some kid's tissue in my mouth. It was insane, not to mention disgusting! I threw it away and walked towards the exit. As I was about take another step towards the exit, I felt something metallic penetrating my back.

Moving forward towards the exit became a struggle. Deeper and deeper, the sharp metallic item felt to be forced into my back. Not being able to take another step, I collapse onto my knees.

"Why huh? Why didn't you accept the lord as your savior? Like the pastor preached earlier. the only way to be free of one's sins is to be reborn like a child and be used by God as he sees fit.

Didn't you want to start a brand new life. You could have, you know? If only you weren't so stubborn to begin with. I guess a sinner will always be a sinner. It can't be helped, we'll have to erase your entire existence so you don't go around polluting the minds of God's children. Don't look so sad; maybe your soul will be saved instead."