

The Flight of the Sparrow
As a small sparrow flew south to escape the harsh British winters to the tropics, the weather changed drastically. It's ice cold.

The bird froze in mid-flight and tumbled to the ground in a large harvested hay field.

He lay there, frozen and dazzled. As he shook his little wings for warmth, a Frisian cow passed by and dumped dung on him.

He was annoyed by such intrusion, and malice, but he felt warm and his body began to thaw.

Soon, he experienced a sense of dejavu' and flipped his little wings. He started chirping sweet melodies.

A Cornish Rex cat heard the singing of the bird and hurried to investigate. He found the small bird in the cow dung, and soon dug him out and ate him.

The moral of the story:
1. Not every person who shits on you is your enemy.
2. Not every person who gets you out of shit is your friend. Lots of friends are parasites and users.
3. It's best to keep your mouth shut when you are in deep shit.

© Mwebe Morgan