

"Definition of Love: A Journey Through Heartbeats"
The word love is very beautiful. Lot of meaning has in the world of love. But totally is depends on your thoughts. As per your perspective. If you are truly lover, then you can love everything. You will looking love wherever you are. like , look at flowers, look at nature, you will feel everything towards love. To say love is not only depends particular one person . The whole universe has towords love. Love is most powerful tool. With which everything can be won and lost. But, it is necessary to have a beautiful mind understand of love.

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion characterized by deep affection, care, compassion, and attachment towards someone or something. It involves feelings of warmth, tenderness, and a strong desire for connection and intimacy. Love can manifest in various forms, including romantic love, soul love, familiar love, and unconditional love. It often motivates selfless actions and can bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging to individuals and relationships.

But among them most beautiful love is unconditional love. Whereus, no demanding. Given of love each and other, respect, affection. No expectations from them whatever she or he love of him or her. Love is a feeling that makes you forget everything. So, first love on yourself and others. Learning to love everyone. What did you understand?

© @Aditi