

A Realization
When we are traveling frequently and happen to get in a flight which is longer than an hour, what is most difficult is spending the extra hours.

Many opt to movie, music or book or sleep but if you are out of those options what can be done?

Last time I had this situation when was traveling for a visit which was in the United States, I had a fear of the unknown, it was because i didn't had my earphones and also no music loaded, and I still remember it was a long journey to the los Angeles!

I knew it would be my solo trip and also with no knowledge of these places, was going to rent a car and drive around California.The fear was not about my driving skills but how am I going to manage alone without any previous experience.

Somehow today I got a feel that its a similar place am going to but then traveling for the long hours again without music loaded and no company is very very boring!

Hence the blogging, so now I have no doubts on why I keep moving around destinations it's just to keep it interesting, last day someone very carefully kept a glass of tea and said you will remember this, at that moment I just smiled but I realize that we are all humans at the end of the day so it's very obvious that we realize the importance of the people around us only when they are not there!

To be quite for long hours is hard but that's what this world has been used to, busy into that gripping device "mobile phone" and even though you know you want to break this monotony but it's a spiral wave which again gets you in it without you knowing that this really happened and lost a chance to make a conversation!

© Siddharth Sen