

Turn on your light
In a tranquil village nestled between mountains, there lived a monk named Koji. Koji was known for his unwavering mindfulness and the serene aura that surrounded him. One day, a curious traveler approached Koji, seeking guidance on how to attain such tranquility.

Koji welcomed the traveler and shared the first stanza, "Forgetfulness is the darkness, mindfulness is the light. Bring awareness to shine upon your life. Turn on your light."

The traveler pondered these words and asked, "But how can I illuminate my path when the world is filled with distractions?"

Koji smiled and said, "Come, let me show you." He led the traveler to a nearby garden adorned with intricate stones and delicate flowers. There, they found a stone path enveloped by lush greenery.

"Now, walk this path," Koji instructed, "but do so with a single purpose. Focus your attention on each step, feeling the texture of the stones beneath your feet, listening to the rustling leaves, and breathing in the scent of the flowers."

The traveler followed Koji's guidance, and as he walked mindfully, he felt a sense of connection to the present moment. The worries of the world seemed to fade away, and his mind became as clear as a still pond.

After completing the path, the traveler turned to Koji, his eyes shining with newfound understanding. "The distractions of life are like shadows," he remarked, "and mindfulness is the light that reveals the path ahead."

Koji nodded in approval. "Indeed. Just as you focused on each step, you can bring the same awareness to every aspect of your life. When you wash dishes, wash dishes. When you eat, eat. When you listen, listen."

With this wisdom, the traveler embarked on his journey with a transformed perspective. He carried the lesson of mindfulness with him, illuminating his way through both calm and stormy days. And in the village, Koji continued to guide those who sought the light of mindfulness, reminding them that in the garden of life, they held the lantern of their own awareness.

© Metta_Zen