

I thought I knew love
Tom and Jessica stood on a secluded hill, overlooking a vast expanse of rolling green fields. The sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape. In the distance, majestic mountains rose, their peaks adorned with a dusting of snow. A gentle breeze rustled through the nearby trees, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers.

""What are you doing, Jessica? Don't walk away from me."

"Tom, I'm scared. My stomach is fluttering with butterflies. I don't know what else to do. This feeling... I wonder what it is."

"Jessica, I'm scared too. I'm a hopeless fool with no one else. You are my home," Tom confessed, his voice trembling. "I love you, Jessica."

"Tom, I think... I think I love you too."

That day, the rain fell, not as harbingers of gloom, but like petals of blooming flowers promising a love that would endure forever.

"Love—I didn't know her, but now, I've met her,"


Having been at war with his mind, Tom succumbed to the poison of another, casting aside the love Jessica had given him.

"I thought I knew love, but I've never truly met her," Tom whispered.  While devouring the heart of another.

Finding Tom's phone on the bed, Jessica hesitated, then decided to look. As countless pictures of other women appeared, her heart plummeted. Tears fell like relentless rain, each droplet a futile attempt to quell the storm within.

"I thought I knew love, but I've never met him," Jessica cried out.

Finding Jessica on the bed, her tears engulfing the sheets, a glimmer caught his eye. Every picture of every woman replayed in front of his eyes.

The door opened; out walked love, leaving a shattered heart to be regulated.

"I didn't know love, then I found love, and then I lost him," she whispered into the silence. 

Not wanting to let go of the string that kept them tied for so long, she ran after Tom, finally catching up to him.

Jessica's eyes brim with tears, each one reflecting the years of laughter and love that now seem tainted. "How could you?" she whispers, her voice a fragile thread of the strong, vibrant woman she once was. Tom, a shadow of regret darkening his face, reaches out, but she recoils—not from his touch, but from the flood of memories that his mere presence evokes. "I thought we were forever," she sobs, the words barely escaping her lips as the sun dips below the horizon, taking with it the warmth of their past. 

What once was a connection now lies in silence. Strangers appear. I guess I never knew love after all.

© starrose