

NARRATOR: Robert, a 15-year-old with learning disabilities and overweight , endures daily bullying and no friends, often isolates himself.

Teacher: Good morning Robert, hows your day?

Robert: ok

Teacher: I'm here if you need anything.

Kids: You smell rotten, lose some weight pig.


Narrator: Robert runs to the bathroom, takes out a razor blade and cuts himself. Puts all his hurt and frustrations into cutting.
He takes a paper towel and wipes the blood off his skin. He goes back and pretends nothing happened.

Mom: Why can't you do anything right. I asked you a thousand times to take out the trash. I'm sick and tired of your laziness. Good for nothing.Just like your father, a drunk loser.

Robert: Ok

Narrator: His mother became unconscious due to excessive drinking. In that moment, he discovered her gun lying on the floor. He picked it up and played with it . As he held the weapon, a profound sense of power possessed him.

Robert: mmm! I wonder.

Narrator: Robert, puts the gun in his back pack. And heads off to school. On his way, he notice three boys on their bikes.

Boys: A loser, a porky piggy pig. Take a shower.

Narrator: Filled with anger, Robert runs to school. In his mind, his thinking of shooting down the school and himself.

Teacher: Robert, may we talk.

Robert: um! ok.

Teacher: I feel something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes. I know the kids are bullying you and you have unstable life at home. Robert, you are unique and funny. I really enjoy your jokes. Have you thought about taking theater.

Narrator: Robert begins to cry.

Robert: Mr. Stafford, that's the kindest thing anyone said about me. Thank you.
I have something to show you.

Narrator: Robert, unzips his back pack and takes the gun out.

Teacher: Robert, we must give the gun to the police. I will my try hardest to keep you from getting suspended from school.
Instead, we will have you attend counseling.

Robert: I'm sorry, I was filled with rage from all the drama I faced. My mom shouldn't had her gun laying on the ground.

Teacher: I care about you. I want the best for you. Your an excellent student.

Robert: I was about to shoot up the school, but your kind caring action kept me from killing anyone.

Narrator: Moral of the story is to be a friend to lonely and hurt individuals. You can save a life with your words and actions. Be kind please.

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