

Chapter 2 - The Battle
I entered into a white room with another huge white door and it started to open. I did my battle stance, ready for the trial. I knew I was prepared for whatever came my way. Then shock came to me as I saw Ivy come into the room. Her eyes glowed green and I thought it was weird for ivy to have green eyes instead of her normal lavender purple eyes. I looked back at the door I came in through, but it was closed, so I looked at the cameras for I knew my siblings were watching me. I looked back at Ivy.

I readied myself and pounced. Ivy dodged and I landed. I turned to see Ivy pounce back real quick and land right on top of me. I scratched her and bit her on the leg. When I finally got her off, I did a quick move and clawed an eye. Then she pushed me back. She clawed my eye back, but when I opened my eye, I knew something changed. I growled at her and lunged at her clawing both of her eyes. I was on a rampage. I then clawed her side as well. Then my senses came back to me and I stared at what I did.

I saw her laying in her own blood. I started to walk towards her to make sure was okay, but she wasn't. I layed down next to her and started to lick her wounds, but it didn't help. I looked back at the cameras and looked back. I knew my siblings were watching in horror as they saw what I did to Ivy. Went back to licking Ivy's wounds trying to help make it better. I knew it was pointless, but I was trying.

Soon I heard the white door open. Guards, nurses surrounded me and Ivy. Guards grabbing me as nurses started to check on Ivy. The guards put a muzzle and a chain on me, they started to pull me away from Ivy. I was being dragged out of the white room and being dragged into the hall. As I was being dragged down the hall I spotted my parents and I looked away from them. I then started to walk. Then I stopped at the playroom door.

#werewolf #chapter3 #lynx #battle
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