

If the knowledge you need is lacking, you will perish.

You will perish, not because you're idle or indifferent about all you face that's undesirable.

You'd perish, not because you're not bothered about your present circumstances that preced an inevitable perishing if your want of knowledge persists.

You'd perish simply because you lack knowledge.

Humans must be deliberate about acquiring knowledge. It is knowledge that distinguishes one human from another.

Spiritual knowledge.

Knowledge that pertains to your environment and the world around you.

Knowledge allied with every sphere of life that concerns you, especially directly.

Don't be ignorant of what the government is doing and all that's going on in local and international political spheres.

Don't be ignorant of deeper aspects of your career or business.

Please, don't be ignorant of the spiritual world, no matter how enlightened you may think you are in other aspects of life.

Don't be ignorant of your life. Don't be ignorant of your spirit soul and body.

Seek spiritual intelligence.
Seek emotional intelligence.
Seek academic intelligence.
Seek social intelligence.
Seek economic intelligence.
Seek street intelligence.

Seek and you shall find that which guards you from perishing for want of knowledge.

Know your God beyond all you are told.

For those who pray, when you're in a fix and you pray about it, pray that your eyes be opened to see and know all you need to know and all you need to do by virtue of wisdom, in application of such knowledge that comes on account of the opening of your eyes.

Growth is hinged on the acquisition of deeper knowledge. Humans are rated on the basis of the superiority or inferiority of the things they know, and all that's visible on account of the application of their knowledge.

And when you finally find knowledge, apply it; for unapplied knowledge is crude, it will never profit you in that state.

You must apply knowledge.

You must put knowledge to use.

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