

The Rose's & Juliet's thorns
Greetings poets and readers alike,

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of a duet poetic series titled 'The Rose's and Juliet's thorns'. This remarkable feat, set to be released on Monday 15/01, has not been accomplished on this platform before and we cannot wait for you all to read it.

Gulian Ibrahim @Gulian2.0 and I, have been working on this project since the final quarter of last year. With our combined creativity and passion for poetry,
We have managed to come up with 30 mouth-watering poems that will surely captivate your hearts.

We believe this project will take Writco and the whole section of duet poetry to the next level. The poem list for this series will be updated on this story announcement, so make sure to stay tuned for updates.

Mark your calendars for Monday 15/01 and get ready to be swept away by the poetic journey of 'The Rose's and Juliet's thorns'. We cannot wait for you to join us on this beautiful adventure.

' Humbled by your petals
Smiling in the sun
A rose plucked from a garden fair
Promising beauty rare
With thorns that can prick
Handle with care,
they're not for the nonchalant and thick
Pure bliss blossoms just like the rose
With thorns that leave scars behind
But every pain and hurt foregoes
When cherished memories find
For every rose has its own unique way of blooming Just like a relationship that keeps renewing...'

The poem list for 'The Rose's and Juliet's thorns':

● Begin to end
● Flowers never bloom
● Dancing with the wind
● Room for rent
● Quarantine Lovers
● Rompre
● 5AM in Wyoming
● A Chef's kiss
● Hot Coffee
● Princess Treatment
● Breathing
● A Late night Poem
● Lonely in Paris
● Stuck in Berlin
● The bedroom is our battlefield

● Numb & Blunt
● Repentance
● I can't save you
● Renaissance Odyssey
● Society acts like Sheep
● Clash
● Dark Horse
● My A.N.X.I.E.T.Y
● Alone, Together
● The Mirror of Justice
● The holy trinity of fools
● The thorns were fun
● Menacing Twins
● Will you still love me?
● Our little paradise

'... All the things start with a seed
I planted mine in the wrong kind of soil
I watered it with my tears
Got offered water,
But it was boiling
I spit in the soil with good intentions
I wait for the sprouts to show
So I can show you the tip of my despair
It will take years for my rose to bloom
Decades if the atmosphere stays this gloom
We will see then who was the real fool.'


@JJuliet & @Gulian2.0

'The Rose's & Juliet's thorns'

© Juliet Jeyn