

Journey to the Southwest 4

Day 4: Volleyball

Dribbling, Baseline, volleying,end line, strike

I heard different kind of sport activities today
My head is full of it
And my body is feeling it too
Since band that I love so much is not yet available
I just decided to join volleyball
Making do with it for now
But volleyball is not volleying
Instead of my hand going straight
It's only left and right the ball was moving to
It's not easy for those athletics, they are really trying
For the training, I had to miss mass just to catch up
But it seems like I am walking the wrong lane.

Since today is Sunday, the activities are not much
Just 2 hours practice for swearing in ceremony just to perfect what we learnt
But I know tomorrow will be jam-packed with activities
All Is well, we move.

© Victoria Damilola

Day 062/100