

Halal pen ✍️💜


Onome has always been mindful of her social media tags but today,she made a very silly mistake which almost cost her her job.

She meant to tag her friend Courage in a humorous meme,but she mistakenly tagged her boss instead.The meme was a joke about their boss's strictness.

It was too late before Onome realized her mistake, she quickly tried to untag him,but it was too late,her boss had already seen it and sent her a stern message.
Onome was embarrassed because she had never meant to offend her boss and now she worried about the consequences.
She made a mental note to always double check her tags from now on to avoid THE WRONG TAG ever again.
As she brushed off the incident,Onome couldn't shake off the feelings of anxiety .She has always been diligent about her social media life and now she felt like a failure .
she kept thinking if her boss will hold her mistake against her or not......TO BE CONTINUED
© Halal pen