

Lost Childhood 18
Alejandro Fernando Sanchez Jr. had been name after his father; he and his sister were the only two children his mother and father had. He often wondered about his sister, Matilda; how she was doing and was she still alive.

Ever since that Summer they went to camp and she disappeared, he could never forgive himself for not being able to protect her like he promised. Although she was the oldest by three years he considered himself her protector. He always kept an eye on her making sure she was safe.

He had done a good job until that Summer; she went on a hike with some of the other girls and the female camp counselors. No boys were allowed. When they returned, all the girls were crying and the counselors were upset. After some inquiries, the camp found out that three of the girls were missing.

One of the counselors had been badly injured attempting the group from being attacked. She had received a concussion from a blow to the head during the incident. When the investigation was finally completed, Matilda had been one of the three girls taken.

This meant parents had to be called; it also meant that news would spread fast and a lot more than the parents of the three missing girls would be showing up at the camp. The director and staff had made a decision to contact all the families of the children attending that Summer and have everyone pick up their children.

The Director of Public Relations would have to also prepare a statement for the press after speaking with the local, state and most likely the federal authorities. With the early closure of the camp they would have to deal too much with reporters and the media trespassing on the camp site.

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