

That Destined Day
Chapter 5

"A beautiful name."

It wasn't anything much, but something about the way he said it made her feel even more embarrassed. She raised her hands to touch her cheeks that were increasingly getting hotter. But when they met with warm bare skin, the panic set in, freezing her in her place.

'My mask!'

'How could I forget!'

The hectic events up until now made Aria completely forget about the mask that she had almost made a part of her skin.

'Did he see?' That was the only question running through her mind. 'He must have. What would he think of me now? He must be disgusted.'

Her panic was rising with every passing second, but the silver haired man's next question diverted her attention.

"Will you tell me? How you ended up in the pond?"

"What?" Aria asked dumbfounded.

"Will you tell me, how you ended up in the pond, Aria?" He patiently asked again. It was like he never witnessed her panic attack just now.

'Did he really not see?' She thought in disbelief. But how can that be possible when, without her mask, it was in plain sight. That was impossible.

Aria tried to calm herself down and thought about the question he had asked her.

The more she thought, the more she became convinced that he was trying to divert from this topic. Both from the her condition and the question of the world she had come from. Again, maybe it was his kindness or something else, she didn't know.

She could lie. Yes, she could lie. She had been living in a world that was made up of nothing but lies. But she didn't want to.

The rational part of her told her that the man already knew she's from somewhere else. Somewhere, that is a whole other world. And by the looks of it, he was also quite powerful, if the way he easily killed that beast was any indication.

She shouldn't lie in this case. If she does, she could be stepping in something that would not end up good for her.

But what if that was all the man was planning for too? What if, after she told him the truth, he would encage her or do something more horrendous? After all, she had read quite some novels in her world and she definitely did not want to be like those idiot protagonists that solely relied on their luck or some guy to help them while all they did themselves was cause more trouble.

Aria never thought of herself as someone special, much less a protagonist. She wasn't that concieted. But she wasn't stupid either. All she could do for now was to observe.

Then there was this small part of her that told her, the man wouldn't do something like that. Aria didn't know why she felt like this. Maybe it was because he was the one who saved her, or the kindness she thought she saw only for a second.

Aria knew that she will be taking a risk no matter what she chose to do. So she wanted to believe. Believe one last time. Even if it didn't work, what more can go wrong? She most probably had already died in her own world. She will just die another time. It didn't matter. Although, if she could get another chance with a new life in a new world, she wouldn't mind to live a little longer.


Once again, it was the silver haired man's voice that brought her back. 'This had been happening quite often ever since I have met this man', Aria thought.

"Yes. I will answer you. However, may I ask one question before that?" She automatically switched to a more respectful tone, thinking that maybe the man would mind.

"You may, Aria." The way her name left his lips made tingles go down her spine.

"Um.. can you please not say my name?"

He quirked his eyebrow at her before asking, "Is that what you wanted to ask?"

"No. No, it's not. I just..-"

"Then what is it that you wanted to ask me, Aria?" The man left no room for any argument and with his tone, it was obvious he was teasing her.

This was new. She didn't know he could tease too, with the way he conducted himself.

She took some deep breaths to calm herself as the man observed her all the while.

"Sir, how may I address you?"

"Now, that is a valid question. I have not told you my name yet, have I? Well, my name is Ezekiel and you may call me as such."

Oh, that name somehow suited him. At least, the names and people were similar enough to her previous world.

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