

a fruit picked too early
With a hit to my stomach powerful enough to send me to the dusty floor, where grass and gravel lay lifeless as ineffective billboards, he ascended my body like an unexplored mountain.
It's too young, too early, for a fruit to be picked by a grown man, the man who had no right to be my maiden name; therefore, he realized he had found the prize he shouldn't have.
But as I lay there on the ground, he took off everything, uncovering gifts that didn't belong to him.
I shut my eyes.
I surrender my nakedness to a false god, allowing everything to sink into my innocent flesh. The agony of being tortured under the cover of disgusting pleasure that I was forbidden from experiencing has started to assess what's going on.
He took off my breast like a broken keyboard, and I couldn't understand why I was hurting. He clasped my quivering hands and let my body be overtaken by tears and a scream.
Crimson run like a river of tears. And my mind is covered with a wish for a man to just erase this memory like it didn't happen.
As I opened my eyes and saw the bleak sky, I became aware that there is no God.

© ubik