

The Beast Part I
Water...it's all I could feel as I woke up..itz all around me and I am floating on a piece of wood.My ship my luggage my mates I looked all around and I saw them floating most of them tangled in ropes some were burned maybe from the gunpowder fire..
Last night all I remember was after my shift on top of the mast Looking though my scope hoping to see atleast a small splash in the blue ocean but only hopes prevailed that day.. I climbed down the mast and went to my corner, had a sip from my bottle of rum and snuggled on the bed not bed a piece of wood covered with a cloth and remembering my wife and my child and our mission which came directly from the King himself to our captain to find what ever it is which destroyed our numerous ships and killed our men
No men has ever seen it all we know about it was from the drawing given by an Oldman who was the lone survivor of the last incident.He barely spoke about it,he was traumatized from that incident it's with a great pressure from our captain he finally draw what looks like a tentacle wrapping around the ship..it was what he saw when he was thrown out of that ship as a result of an explosion in the gunpower room..
I again looked around and yelled wishing to see atleast a living soul someone whom I could get help from but deadmen don't talk..I could see the ships port side was still above the surface of the ocean and all the rest was below.. Suddenly the entire ocean around me trembled and waves started to form all around.I hold on to my wooden log tightly so that I won't fell in the water.To my shock I saw the entire ship began to comeup like someone was thrusting that sank ship from below the ocean and few meters away from me I saw a gaint splash and that's when I saw it the black tentacles splashing the ocean creating waves...the old fool was true it really was a tentacle..