

Two mug of cheesiness

Casper, in love with edelynn,aka Lynn, from middle school.But never confronted the love for her.
It was the first day of middle school,young Casper ears plugged with headphones,head down was pacing through the hallway.
Suddenly someone bumped into him.He angrily looked towards the same 'someone'.
Oh my.
There stood in front of him a fragile girl with hazel green eyes looking at him apolegicetely.
Heart fluttered.tingg!
There begins his little crush ,then to like and then the love begins.
He saw her keeping her books neatly on the locker.But just as she was keeping in one last book she notices a note instructing her to go to the unused chemistry lab.
weird.she thought.
But curiosity got the better.And she started walking , her steps slowly and steadily as her fox-y eyes scanned the path.
And then the door she opened ,slowly.
The room was dark except a dim light erupting through a tiny peephole from a corner.
But then she heard foosteps,and a door closing.


And then the whole room lit up with lights.Her heart started it's orchestra.
Lub dub.Lub dub.

Because stood in front of her the hot and handsome,and the whole uni's crush.CASPER.

"umm.. uhh.."she stuttered shyly.
He lightly chuckled.
And then did the most-est unexpected thing.

"Lynn,the day you bumped into me was the day you crawled into my heart.Iam truly sorry for the cause of your date failures.I was jealous that I couldn't have you.But now I want to make you mine forever.I want your arms to soothe my distress and your lap my cushion,your eyes the first thing I see when I open my eyes,your smile to flutter my heart,your mouth to solve my sweet tooth-ness.And your love to fill my heart along with the oxygenated bloods from my lungs.
Edelynn will you have the honours of carrying the title Mrs. Casper for the rest of your lives,and be the oxygen of my living?"
She was beyond shocked.
"ye-yes..!"she squealed.

And that's when she noticed the whole room.It had framed photos of herself.And candlelit with rose petals scattered,wholly giving a romantic vibe.
And then they danced ,and exchanged yet more cheesy lines until they heard the tringg,of the bell,stating the college is now over.
Well that was😂😅.
This ain't a continuation of the previous 'one cup of cheesiness',but another story of someone else's

© Black Rose