

love in Hebrew
don't be some kind of thing that people really love no one can ever be fooled by that, there are a lot of things or people to be full of number one people could die at any cost, number two. people could be affected by any bad dangerous thing come into your mouth. people can realise any dangerous steam coming from love especially your description. love is something you can never ever think about but care about and never let go of it. if you're feeling bad of what I say how about you try to comment on my post then you will think of how what this app is. so just remember this app has everything going normal this Love.and just for you to remember love and friendship are no longer the same these days.any man think that love is always friendship but I know you should be able to know love could be nothing but a threat to you will do best to become great in the future. women these days are really really really lucky for they have everything in men's and God so loved the world thank you