

Darkness arise p3
"So, it's this way?"

"Yeah, and you make a turn to the left when we reach the T-junction right up ahead."

(Following the kid's instructions led us to the department store. As we could see, the store was completely vacate. We found a shopping cart where we loaded our food supplies in.)

"Mr Ovine, you said we should take anything that's eatable, right?"


"OK, let me put these in-"

"Uh, do you really need that much sweet?"

"Yeah, it's eatable, ain't it?"

"alright, just don't eat too much or you will get a stomach ache."

"Got it!" *Munch* *Munch*

"What do we got here?"

(A man suddenly appeared into the department store, holding a shortgun)

"Can you all be a doll and do a little favor for me, real quick?"

Ovine: What kind of a favor?

"Give me your cart so I can cut my journey short."
© m. k