

Silent love
I was just returning from Mumbai giving a competitive exam and my short love story started there . The story is still incomplete but memorable. Here my story started......
I entered to the train which was going to reach me to my home city. May be the train was full of people and overcrowded still there was one to which I was destined to meet that day.......
I just entered to a overcrowded bugie and started searching to find a seat to sit as I had not confirmed a reservation ticket so I had to just adjust somewhere . Suddenly my eye fell into a handsome attractive boy similar age to me who was looking at me surprisingly as if he had seen a fairy in real life . The air , the weather, the freshnessness and the full nature were in our favour ...our eyes just met at the the first time....
He was sitting in a seat where I can seat as there was some space. As he was an adult boy I stopped my foot step and thought for a while rather I will proceed or not ....Then finally decided to seat there as the train was so crowded.
He was seated to the window side .On that seat only three people can sit. I sat down in the end on that row but a person away from him as I was also an adult girl. I seated there but my heart beart was so first. Oh no ....One beautiful girl was only a person away from a handsome boy .....It was like the heart beat of two beautiful souls was one person away. I had seated at there but both my mind and heart had gone mad to talk with him. His body gesture and body language was also telling silently that he also wants to talk with me but his attitude and good manners was stopping him doing that and the similar situation was going with me ...... Someone said right that two adult boy and girl can not seat near without talking with each other and I realised this at that moment.....
I was continuously searching a way how to seat near him and to start a talk . Suddenly a person was averted towards me standing in between two rows of seat due to crowdness and an idea clicked on my mind . I told the middle person that I am feeling uncomfortable at my end seat due to overcrowded people could he do a favour to me by giving his middle seat . Fortunately the middle age person was good and agreed to exchange our seat . wow my plan worked and perhaps I was the happiest girl in the world at that time....
Oh no ......now I had seated just 2 inch away from him . It was seeming that the time and the situation both wanted to mingle the two strangers . Sitting so nearly to each other also couldn't start our conversation as we had set a boundary line in that 2 inch distance. Wah it's sound funny right but perhaps our self respect was the only villain which was standing between us.
we seated like that silently not exachanging even a word . But we know in our mind and heart what type of torture it was.... For some moments he was busy with talking with the front person sitting exactly opposite to him with a sweet calming voice and I was busy with my mobile .
His polite behaviour, his calm talking style , his intelligent play with window , his charming smlile and above all his handsome look was just adding ghee to my fireplace and forcing me to look towards him repeatedly. Each time I wanted to see him and each time my self respect was holding back . Perhaps he was also facing the same situation and as a result we were both silent still there was a force that was attracting to us.
Some time passed like this. I was scrolling my mobile and he was looking at me from one corner of his face thinking how to start the conversation. Now the moment came to which every couple remember as the moment of their love. The moment which when remembered always bring a smile on face. The moment from where everyones love story starts......
The water from his water bottle had almost finished so he got down in a station to filling water in his bottle. As he went I suddenly picked up his bag and put in his seat as there was chance that other people might sit his seat. After filling water he came and show his bag was not at ground but at his seat. He smiled and put down the bag understanding my care for him. Perhaps this silent talk was the first talk between two tormented souls .
He seated and drunk the chilled water that he had recently brought. That time I was also thirsty but my ego was stopping me to ask him the water. Perhaps within this short period of time an invisible connection had build between us. He understood that I was thirsty and Suddenly he increased his hand to give me water to drink and funnily in the blink of an eye I pulled it up and drunk the water like I was thirsty for thousand years and immediately facing towards him said Thank you with a smiling face and wow he smiled. Both we felt a strong feeling that was about to start .......The time was stopped there for us. His eyes and my eyes was talking secretly a about a deep topic. An unintentional strong feeling Started to rush within us and the moment was just perfect for us to start the conversation. Avoiding all my egoes , I asked where he will get off the train and he answered at Pune. Finally God thank you... I made it I made it wow I was so happy .
My hapiness was uncontrollable at that time so I turned my face opposite to his to hide my mysterious smile from him. Now both we had turned out face opposite to each other that we can not see our secret smile..I had turned my face and secretly smiling and he had faced his face towards window side putting a smile on his face similar to me. Again two of us had become silent but this time happily. Suddenly an electric current flow in my body and when I turned around I saw he was calling me by little touching my shoulder and asking me in a sweet calm voice about my academic career. I was just shocked and frozen thinking what to say and how to handle this uncontrollable hapiness. Finally the story had began .He had already started a sweet conversation with me for which perhaps both we were waited for a long. He asked me what I am studying now and I told all about my academic study. I also asked him the same and Accidentally we were in the same batch. And the interesting fact was he was an IITian it means so intelligent. Both we had completed our M.sc in PCM stream.Wow what is this God ..what you really want ... Why are you pushing me more towards him ....
We drowned in a deep conversation starting from academics to family to career. His voice was so sweet and calm .I was just thinking how a boy in this era be so calm .His attitude and politeness was at extreme level .His smile was just enough for any girl to fall love with him . He was just like me and like the person I always wanted to be with. Now You tell me how can not you fall for such type of person having an outstanding attractive personality....
I was just listening him and answering him to his questions coming from his smoothing voice still I had no courage to answer looking at his face as there was a chance that he could know about the erupted lava of feelings within me .He was also facing the same but were aware of our manners as both of us belong to good family.
We conversed deeply for a very long time and our destination station about to just reach. It was like both we were wanted to spend some more moments together losting silently in that deep crowd... His station was about to come first then mine . we were happy and smiling inside.
we had covered the one fourth of our journey but still we had not exchanged our mobile number yet as still we were thinking we were strangers as our self respect was holding us back and perhaps this was the saddest part of our story that was going to put a full stop in it .He was thinking if he will ask me for the number then perhaps I will get him wrong and the same also I was thinking ..... and thinking this we didn't exchanged our mobile numbers.....
He hold his water bottle and again started to drink. For a moment he stopped and what thought came to his mind he offer me to drink again. This time I was not thirsty but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to look his eyes again. To feel his calmness. To lost myself again in that moment.
I gently accepted his offer with a smiling face , bending my face towards him. Our eyes met again sparkling a strong feeling within us . We laughed and smiled for our peculiar behaviour.
How strange our story ended from where it had started from a water bottle..........

After a minute his station came. Both our heart beat began to beat first as we didn't want to depart so early and our smiling face became pale .
what is this God ...what play you are playing with us ....If you wanted this then why you destined to meet us .....
His station arrived and he said good bye with a smiling face. keeping a hide pain inside my heart I told the same to him with a faking smile on my face .Both we didn't want to depart but we had to ... Perhaps this was a part of God's entertainment......
He get off from the train and moved towards his destination leaving a huge impact on my love emotions and I was seated there like a lifeless stone to reach my destination......
Our love story is not like Laila majnu or shahjahan mumtaz but a little part of this. Now we both may be not together but the memory we shared is a part of our lif. It seems staying even at a large distance we are still connected at soul level.