

Mandy experienced another day filled with painful memories, they were so overwhelming that she want to end her life by jumping off a bridge. However, she heard a voice from the bridge, reminding her that she is the light that the world needs, and that her actions would have devastating consequences.

Mandy replied back to the voice
"I can't help but wonder why I was chosen. I mean, let's be real here, I'm just a nobody, a total loser. But hey, maybe they saw something in me that I didn't even know existed. Or maybe she just has really low standards. Who knows? Life's full of surprises, right?"

In the distance, she notices a creature with a smile on its face. It has wings that span 6 feet and is adorned with horns and hooves.

Mandy's arms and back were covered in goosebumps as she felt a surge of fear. She desperately attempted to escape the situation, but the creature persisted, calling out her name. It claimed to be the voice that had saved her from jumping off the bridge. According to this mysterious being, its purpose was to lead Mandy towards her true calling in life.

Mandy halted her sprint, her breath heavy as she focused on the creature's words.
"Mandy, you are the future Queen of the creatures we call Zertyas. Creatures that have the ability to shapeshift into beast of the forest and sometimes into human beings . Let me guide you my dear"

Mandy, after agreeing, accompanied the creature through a portal, transporting them to a different dimension, an entirely separate world. In this new realm, they encountered stunning crystal lakes and captivating caves that promised thrilling escapades. Mandy was overwhelmed by a profound sense of wonder and happiness within her being.

That night, the creatures threw her a party and crowned her queen. She was excited, noble, and happy with it. The moral of the story is to never give up on your life, as life can be hard. However, with the right imagination, it can become an adventure. keep dreaming high.

The end
© Mindy mickevich