

Summer of sixty five.
In my life. In a summer cottage.
My mother and I.
My best friend too.
Elvis just released his album.
Blue Hawaii
My father was busy working.
Back in town.
No restrictions,
We were kids,
Sleeping long
Waking strong.
To the music from blue Hawaii
I te b'er my mother Good.
She was young,
She had friends,
Coming to visit.
We were free
As free as a kid can be.

Later on we had problems
Now, she's gone.
I remember her good,
From that summer,
Everything was understood.
I was eleven.
Running free,
My friend too.
In a summer cottage,
Long time ago.
There was a man riding a horse.
Tying it outside the door of course,
We were kids,
Thinking even grown up people,
have issues.
Summer of 65. Part of my life. ❤️

© Lisa Harbinger