

They are coming
I've seen them. They are coming. Look at the sky. Tiny things flying in the blue sky, but are they really micro. Take your binoculars and see. They are not tiny sparks of nothingness but there are objects flying in our atmosphere that we dismiss as nothingness, non-existent. Can we really determine that by logic? I know humans are not the only intelligent organisms in this stimulation called life. Personally, I have seen these creatures in person. They walk like us, can look like us and they surpass us in many ways. Some you are living with them and not even knowing it.
In your churches, schools, all countries, politics and even in your very own homes. Yes, it's a freaking invasion!
Without war. What will you do, murder your relatives once you know they're not, who you know them to be? I have no choice but to accept them in my life. Rather than saying they are coming, it's more accurate to say,
they're here.
© m. k