

Prodigal's Return
It has been more than a year since I returned to worship at my church due to unforeseen circumstances, and also, the fear that came from those circumstances.

One morning at home, I was scrolling through my Instagram and I saw a video of the 54daysrosaryprayer, the prayer has started already because I saw it a day late, it started on the 8th of February. It caught my attention and I went to their bio, I don't even know how I registered for it all I saw was an email that gave an instructions on how to send prayer request and download the mysteries.

So I read the options and I was directed to download the prayer on some specific app but I chose Spotify. Since on the 9th I have been listening and following them in prayers in petition to the virgin Mary.

Yesterday, which was Saturday, something came over me after I was done listening, telling me how nice it will be if I worship at the church tomorrow. I didn't take notice at first but consequently it came to my mind again, then I promised myself that I will attend mass this morning. The funniest thing was that I woke up around 6:30 am thinking I was late because my thought was that mass will start by 7pm and as a returner I should not be late for church.

So I got ready quickly and on getting to the church, everywhere was silent, there was no noise, just nothing. Even the bikeman that dropped me was asking me if there was no service today but to me I don't know how to answer because it has been a long time since I attended.

I checked from the first gate which was the entrance I knew then before that incident happened but it was locked up. In my mind, I was like no mass today or are they done. Until a little girl jolted me out from my thinking and directed me to the second gate they are using now.

With a jittery heart I went in, and I was confused. Everything has changed, new buildings here and there. My thought was maybe they change the place of worship now because of the incident back then. But no other option than to look for the gateman, he was the one that directed me and told me that they still worship at the former place.

I went into the church we were about four in the building and not quite long we pray the rosary of the glorious mysteries and my mind told me that " see what you have been missing" mass haven't even started and I am already feeling the joy. I don't even know the time the mass started because I wasn't with my phone but it was amazing today. I felt the embrace of the Lord, patting me on the head saying "daughter finally you have returned"

Even when my mind thought negatively I diverted it back, it was really nice to worship in the house of the Lord. The 54daysrosaryprayer is still ongoing you can download on Spotify and Apple music, bring your petitions to the Lord and through the Virgin Mary intercession your prayers will be answered.

And no matter what happens or any situations you find yourself in, always put God first. Let this abide in your heart so you won't learn the hard way.
Happy Sunday, Stay Blessed

© Victoria Damilola
Day: 055/100