

Fire in the Dentist's house P.1
(A crime of arson story)

As the summer heat intensified, so did the tension within the family. The dentist, Dr. Elara, had always been envious of her sister, Felicia, who seemed to lead a charmed life. Dr. Elara's envy turned into a sinister obsession, and she began to plot against Felicia, using her medical knowledge to slowly poison her.

Felicia, blissfully unaware of her sister's dark intentions, continued to live her life, but strange symptoms began to plague her. She grew weaker each day, gradually gaining weight, her once vibrant energy sapped away by an unseen force.

Meanwhile, Dr. Elara documented her devious plan in a private MySpace account, hidden from the world's eyes. She detailed her every move, her every thought, as she attacked not just Felicia, but all her siblings, one by one.

The town began to whisper about the sudden decline of the once flourishing family. Rumors swirled like the hot summer winds, and suspicion started to point towards the house that stood eerily quiet amidst the chaos.

As the investigation into the strange illness affecting Felicia and her siblings deepened, a new horror emerged. The old family estate, a grand manor that had stood for generations, was set ablaze in the dead of night. Flames devoured the structure, reducing it to ashes and embers. The fire was no accident; it was a clear act of arson.

Amidst the charred ruins, a grim discovery was made. The remains of the family patriarch, long thought to be traveling abroad, were found in what used to be his study. It was now evident that this was not just a case of envy-driven sabotage but a calculated series of homicides.

The town reeled from the shock. The prosecutor took Felicia in custody, became the prime suspect in this heinous crime and freed Dr. Elara. They pressed all evidences against her, mounted as investigators uncovered a trail of financial fraud, secret dealings, and a web of lies that she had spun around her family.

The MySpace account, once a private journal of envy and malice, became a key piece of evidence against Felicia. It detailed not only the poisoning but also hinted at the planning of the fire and the elimination of anyone who stood in the way of Dr. Elara's twisted desires.


In the dim light of the early morning, Felicia sat hunched over her computer, her fingers trembling as they hovered above the keys. The screen's glow cast shadows across her tear-streaked face as she composed an email to the one person she believed could help her.

"Dear Attorney," she began, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and hope. "I know it's been years since we last spoke, but I am desperate. My sister has twisted the truth so masterfully that everyone believes I am consumed with jealousy. They say I've lost my mind over being the 'second wife,' and they whisper about my husband's betrayals as if I'm the villain in this tragedy."

To be continued...

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