

My Lesbian lover
It was my first day at Bogle high school,As I enter the school everyone started to stare at me while others were minding there buiness.I went to my locker to put all my stuffs expect my English and Spanish books with my pen, pencil,ruler and other supplies. The bell rang and I rush to my class, All the kids looked at me while I walk to the teacher (miss Smith) she smiled at me and introduce me to the class and said I must tell them little about myself. My name is Kimberly Clark,I'm 17 years old,I'm from Jamaica,I've moved here recently for a new beginning and I like to play football. The class sit there in silence while miss Smith smile and said "you may go to your seat miss Clark". i went to the first empty seat I saw and sit down. She start her class and teach us about operating system and I learn alot from the class.Its now break time and we went out the class.few minutes after this girl smiled at me I started to blush then turn to my locker She then turn around and walk up to me" hey,I'm melody,your the new kid right ? " yes I'm Kimberly Clark by the way. She smile and ask if I wanna hang out with her I said sure and she gave me her number.I got really excited because I think she's my first crush so far. its now second period so I went to my science class. Mrs barbie which is my science teacher introduce me to the class and said "you may find a seat and sit down". it was a surprise to see melody in the same class.she called me to sit beside her so I did it because I wanted to get to know about her. We talk for couple minutes before our teacher start the class. The class have began and we all listen to Mrs barbie while she talk about the body and inside body .I already learn some of the things but I still acted as if I didn't knew. five months had passed and she finally asked me out on a date to the movie,We went in and watch "BELOW HER MOUTH". After the movie she kissed me and told me that she think she's fallen inlove with me I smile and said omg I think I'm fallen inlove with you too.
© Annastacia smith