

The Nightmare
When things grew worse, it was like a domino effect, with behavioral changes ranging from lone hopping as you parade to a famed locust swarming form. Make a narrative out of it.

My name Ana. I had a twin once. We were identical in every way. We would fool our parents and friends. We rarely fought which I found odd because if opposites attract doesn't the same repel. I can still remember every birthday party and cake tasted and every bath shared when we were younger. But on our tenth birthday she got locked in her room for her own safety. At least that's what my parents said. Then one night after midnight, my parents must have had assumed me asleep but I couldn't. I had to see if my sister was actually ill. So I ran as fast as my legs could handle. I made it to the door of the room she had been locked away in for several months. I started playing with the handle tensing my hands over the cold brass. It opened. I was full of joy happiness I thought I could finally see my sister again but it was a lie. She simply wasn't there. Gone. Someplace out of my reach. I ran to my mother and father's room at the end of the hall. The door was locked. I sat there knocking at first then pounding like someone was chasing me and it was my only chance of survival. My mother finally answered.
"Where did you take her!" I screamed, and violently ran and held onto her ankle like the child I was. Naive and foolish.

But now 6 years later after my 16th birthday I finally found out what happened. And why I keep having nightmares where I feel like I'm in the same body but a different mind completely.
© Caitlin

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