

#Clarity, Is IMPORTANT!
Surely, not an essay with invigorating ideas and importance of clarity.

Its sort of interview with self-
Putting myself in different situations, unexpected as well and questioning what would I do??

Well, that’s my thing, putting myself in other’s shoes and then struggling to figure out where it pinches.
Usually, I come up with an idea, I want different colors of shoes, or different brand or I’m looking for slippers.
Again, thats my thing switching from alphabets to numerical and then Newton’s Laws.

With no idea what exactly it is. But I do blame Newton for making those laws and all stuff, because I scored bad in my 1st Unit exam during 9th grade and had a chapter with this non-understandable content.

Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Motion, Speed, velocity… Lord!

In the world of Doraemon (And that too Doraemon helping me with his gadgets), There was no mutual understanding from either side.

I have a little respect for mathematics because mathematics made me understand there is presence of mathematics in science as well.
I want to blame my teachers for teaching in a complicated manner, (majorly because they were always in hurry to complete their portion) but that would be unkind and ungrateful of me, because anyhow I passed my 9th grade and now pursuing for graduation, and now I wonder how I would pass.

No more discussion on Science, Mathematics & Education

So, the Question 1 –

Suppose you had a one-night stand, and now you are pregnant, would you rather give birth to this child or opt for abortion?????

- Honestly, I am afraid to give birth to a child, I can’t imagine a child coming out of vagina with loathsome of blood and the cutting of umbilical cord, like wtf is happening when m fainted or screaming and crying and m literally amazed with the fact you literally imagined. I’ll abuse all the doctors. That’s disrespectful of me. I am not going to abuse ig. Honestly, I want to experience the moment when a mother with immense pain, tears flooding through eyes and happiness in heart gives birth to a child and embraces with pure love having her kid in the arms. That’s beautiful. Besides I have extreme trust issues if doctors can help me with safe delivery. I don’t care if anything happens to me, but I don’t want anything wrong to happen with my child. I am sort of convinced with having a baby, but I wonder how in the future things are going to work. If you ever look at my financial condition, you may sign a blank cheque and probably would want me to fill the amount in millions. But that’s not happening. Sadly, I don’t have a bungalow in the hills, with lots of food and juices... and water ofc! With absolutely free facility of electricity. Frankly speaking, my heart shivers to type “Since my financial condition is weak, I’ll be opting for abortion”. It’s such a tough phase of my life. Ig at that moment when I face this situation, I would want that kid to take birth, But as of now… To tell you a fact, I am a guy!

Question 2 – Do you think your Life is boring??

- Well, I wonder what made me question this to myself. But my answer out of complete spontaneous calculation is 50:50. I say it’s not boring because I’ve many reasons which make me feel happy and boring majorly because of no change in the routine. Here, I think the formula I applied is wrong. You know why, because logically
Boredom = No Difference in routine + Lack of freedom.
Earlier I added No excitement + Action with no plan, but later I realized Excitement is a choice, with a direct relation to a change in life. And actions itself is a choice as a direct link associated with Change in life.
Better you don’t misinterpret your life as a big circle, It’s a Web.
A web which you can design. Now the question comes, How I have designed my web??
If I design my web based on the choices of others, it is basically an experiment.
And if the experiment fails, Audiences are neither going to be happy nor sad for sure, but they’ll be okay. But if the choices are mine, there will be few who’ll appreciate and few more who may criticize and few others who just don’t care. Frankly speaking, I don’t mean your life runs by the judgements of others, Definitely Not! But since you are living in a society, you can’t ignore the opinions they share. No more speech. I m not sure if my life is boring. As I said it’s 50:50.

Question 3- How you’ll manage your life after a divorce??

- Divorce. Here as a person, I would hate to discuss mine, Because it’s not common. But I genuinely believe people should openly discuss their marital problems, after a divorce. For a better understanding of marital life for coming generations. I feel immensely disappointed when people have more than one divorce. It’s strange they keep on trying new partners. Even in a young-days relationship, switching partners is far easier than sticking with one. It might look cool to some fools When it’s not! I’ve seen few divorced individuals dealing intricately with socializing. First people ask the reason, second – They would feel pity, and third- They’ll look at points which are negative according to them. My ex-co-worker was a divorcee, People usually show pity for her on her face, but in her absence, things like “She speaks too much, who would stay with such lady”, “She’s so obese”, “I don’t like the way she speaks”. In my knowledge she always tried to be frank with others and with good intention approached them but, in a society, kindness also needs to be filtered before you serve. Hence, she still faces the problem of isolation. Her mom says, she chooses communication as a way of distraction to stick with her mental peace. Speaking of my choice, I would not go for second marriage for sure. And I probably would adopt a baby and spend my entire life with him/ her or both. And if my kids ask why divorce happened, I would love to share all the details. Not just the side which poses my ex-partner wrong. But everything!

Question 4- Your kids are not ready to share anything with you???

- It’s a serious question for sure. As a child (Not really, I am 20), I do hide a lot of things from my parents. Incidents which are sincerely serious. It’s totally up to bonding you create with your kid. Traditionally, Parents just had to say and ultimately and anyhow that’s going to happen. But now children express their choices, and they obnoxiously and dramatically convince their parents to give up and agree with their wants. That’s stupid, (In my case) especially when it comes to picking clothes. During my childhood, I approached my parents only when I needed money, and it was okay but now the times have changed. They want me to share every single detail of what I am doing. From where I am to where I am going and till what time I will be back. As a parent you’re never old enough to let your child wander in an unsafe environment. And thats the beauty part of parenting I believe. Honestly, I love the concerns my parents have for me, as a kid I love all this, but I wonder what my parents think… its like they love to carry burden of my future and safety since it’s not visible or with any numerical weight. I always say to myself, I don’t want to be a father but a dad. Father is strict and short-tempered. While a dad is more a friend, and a partner in crime. They don’t feel shy to walk together, to hug each other, to say I love you to each other. I would love it if my kids chose me for a long night walk, and not their friends. Not like I don’t want them to make friends, but I want them to first know what friendship is. I want them to know the importance of each single thing and living human being. My mom always used to read my chats, and I never liked that in fact got into argument so many times, because I was like ‘Give-me-some-privacy’ but one day when my mom said, “As a parent we need to know who your friends are and what you’re communicating with them, if it’s your friend or whoever talk with them in our presence. Don’t leave the house.” That’s the moment I revealed me dating someone, that was not needed ig and my mom told it to dad. Year back I guess, when my parents came to know about me dating someone, The words my dad said surprised me to core, “I am okay with whomsoever you are dating, but now you are young, so keep your emotions stable and don’t fall in love so deep that if the girl leaves you, you get into habit of alcohol or become a prey to depression.” So Nice of him to say that. My parents gave me freedom with their advice but ultimately the choice was always mine. I would never want my kids to interpret my intentions wrong. It’s surely going to be difficult but initially only. So have patience and endeavor for a better change.

No more questions rn in my mind 🕵

© Screaming_Words