

A Tapestry of Transformation

Daniel's journey took an unexpected turn,
On his 20th birthday, a twist to discern.
Emerging from a coma, a profound shift,
Values cast aside, a personality lift.

Politeness and manners, once his guide,
Now replaced with hurtful words, cast aside.
Relationships crumbled in the turbulent sea,
Stability vanished, leaving chaos to be.

In this unfamiliar realm, a world untold,
Where degradation and humiliation unfold.
KM, a resilient soul, played a crucial part,
A beacon of hope in Daniel's shattered heart.

As chaos reigned, and negativity swirled,
KM's compassion, like a flag unfurled.
Guiding Daniel back to values once dear,
A journey of redemption, hope drawing near.

A tale of transformation, themes profound,
In the heart's labyrinth, new pathways found.
The power of kindness, a force to wield,
In fractured connections, compassion revealed.

For all age groups, a resonating tale,
Of redemption's journey, beyond the veil.
A tapestry woven with threads so fine,
A reminder that kindness can realign.
© KM.Pradhosh