

stone and Pauline 3
'paul?'thought stone as she glanced at the motherly sheep.she was friendless and there was only one Paul she knew.the sheep had taken the role of a companion for her but was there another mad woman who would befriend the animal?suddenly the voices started bickering with one another.
"isra,can I leave now ?stone probably thinks you're crazy!"I impatiently complained to my friend.isra bit her tongue. I was coughing on the large clouds of smoke the fairy,isra had conjured to conceal us.the gloomy shadows of passing clouds dimmed my mood like a dimming light bulb. our majestic wings were the only source of light in the darkness.ever since our encounter with Chris,I had been so enthralled by specks of glitter. my completely 'nice' friend crept up on me one day and plopped some freaking wings on my back and kidnapped me,saying that if I help her she will 'make me a majic.'
what the heck just happened to my life?

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