

Unsolicited Suggestions...
We should not advise or extend any help unless asked for. Coz, advise is given free of cost and if it's taken into properly, we get hurt.Hence better give advise once it's asked for.

I am going to list down the unsolicited Suggestions.

1. When you're growing ok, Never teach any one anything unless you asked for, even though you are sure of what you're telling is correct.You just be ready & make yourself ready and available, if possible

2. Don't give unsolicited options all the times.

3.Don't expect anyone to follow your opinions, even though your opinion is the BEST.

4. Don't Impose anyone yourselves on anyone on any subject.

5. Don't expect anyone to follow your opinions, even though your opinion is the best.

6. Don't expose yourself to anyone or any subjects.

7. Don't try to protect your loved once from all the misfortunes of the world. Just listen to them and pray for them.

8. Don't complaint about your health, your neighbors, your woes about all the others.

9. Don't expect any gratitude from your children.

10. There are no ungrateful children, there are only stupid parents, who expect gratitude from their children.

11. Don't spend money on any anti-ageing treatment. it's useless.

12. Better spend it on a trip. it's always worth it.

13. Take care of your spouse, even if he/she becomes a wrinkled, helpless and more old person. Don't forget that he/she is the only one who was young, good looking and cheerful may be he/she is the only one who has really needs you right now.

14. Understand new Technology, obsessively follow them constantly study something new a new hobbies, new indoor games. Don't not fall behind in time.

15. Don't blame yourselves for whatever happened in your life, in your children's life. You did everything you could.

16. Preserve your Dignity & Integragity till the end of your life.

17. Do your best always. Remember if you are still alive, someone needs you. Do your best and leave the rest to the Almighty.

18. I hope that some you people might have doing all these tips already. All the best.

Author's note: As usual share your experiences in your comments.

© Kannan