

Butterflies In My Stomach
One sunny afternoon, I was walking towards home. I passed by the greenfields when I saw him. The person who gave me butterflies in my stomach.
Everyday, I saw him working around the greenfields. And I don't know why I chose to use this direction when there is a better road way home.
I was looking at him and suddenly he looked at me then, he smiled. I turned my head away and felt shy.
I decided to use the other way the next day. When I went out from school, I saw a familiar face. There he is, waving at me. Am I hallucinating or something? I walked calmly, then he said, "you are Emma, right?" I suddenly looked at him with a wide eyes. "Yes, how did you know my name?" and he said, "I know you are the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carson, my dad is a friend of your parents. Here, (he was giving me some vegetables) this is from my dad, since I don't know where your house is. "Uhm, thanks."
After that day, we became closer than before. Well, I didn't know him then. We hangout every weekend, since I don't have a class. He was very sweet and he cared a lot. Everytime he came closer to me or even do sweet gestures, I felt some butterflies in my stomach. As time goes by, I knew I loved him. But, not until one day, Jasmine came. He gave me high hopes, without telling me that he was waiting for someone. I was hurt, so I went home crying, like I was betrayed even if we're not together. I know I don't have the right to be mad but, It was really unfair. He treated me more than just a friend without telling me that he was waiting for someone.
Those butterflies in my stomach disappeared and was turned into a heartbreak.
© Rai Writings