

Infinite is the reach
There was a boy who wanted to go in physics field. His professor told him that he should choose some other field saying that in this field everything is almost discovered, and he could not do anything new.
He replied that he didn't want to go in physics for inventing or discovering something. He just wanted to go in physics because he liked it.
Name of that boy is 'Max Planck'.
And the best part is that he is none other than the person who discovered and gave the 'Quantum theory'.
And you all must be knowing that Quantum physics is the most difficult and out of the mind subject.

''All I could say from here is that, what we see around us whatever the achievement the great scientists had achieved that is only the point (.) or maybe smaller than that. There are infinite, infinite things left to discover. Don't let your feets go back thinking that everything is this what our scientists or philosphers told so what you can contribute, there is nothing left. Don't you ever think that. Believe me Sky is not the limit it is just the beginning".

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