

so hard man it's hard
a boy who was depressed of his life his anxiety was killing him his head was spinning with thoughts which he will regret later,thousands of people come say hello how are u are u good? but he knows if he says no they are gonna say: u have this tht why u get everything u want? why? well getting everything is not how u stay happy, he wants to say many things but have no one near,the ones who are near are not the people he can trust has a blade but afraid to use can buy a rope but he can't he knows he can finish it off a building but the moments he will be flying will be not worth it, can finish it off with a gun he says but is to afraid to do it
he wrote many things clues but everyone has said great skills nice writing. well he smiles the biggest in his class but his owns says stop being the clown but it's the only thing keeps him away from those want him to smile again in real not jst to fake it
plays games idk why cause I have friends online. Life gaved him many reasons to finish but his own smiles said nah man nah his friends were like his family in the games.now he has no friends cause his games no longer exist in his phone I guess not their fault but mine for not making real friends to play with haha well it ends here well it was gonna end before but it ends now hope ya all dont feel the same pain as him