

Your wish to read 🏳
Well, it’s good to sometimes just speak.
According to me prominently.

What do I mean is, Speak to yourself.

So, this is one of those moments when I am going to type just in a flow.
(P.S. If I get regular readers, I’ll think of starting a blog, BUT I WON’T.
You know why, because this is a talk to self, Not need to be publicly shared)

Bruh, that’s Exactly what you’re doing.

Other way.
Narrow way.
The last one is funny.
Yeah, that last word is ‘funny’ with an exclamation mark.
Ever thought of pronouncing it as “foooonnyyy”???

Hehe sounds cute.

Nah! Weird.

If you guys have noticed, the first alphabet of 5 words abovementioned forms a word – “Aonhf.”

Do you know what that means??

Me Neither.

Lucrative way.
I don’t know… who the idiot named it.
I guess Me. Just. Right. Now.
But that sounds adventurous.
A sound is never adventurous.
The activity is adventurous.
Imagine, we both (Me and the one reading) are on a tour, A tour to… you know I love my readers so living it up to you... You can decide the place... wherever you want to go.
Though this is a personal talk still m sharing. Hell, Its just not fine.
………………just don’t ………...
………………stop it………

Meanwhile I was regretting hope you decided.

Moving on,

We’re in a room, a dark room, unpainted walls, yes, we’ve the roof, we cannot opt for the jungle.
Sorry I forgot to inform you of that earlier.

A few minutes back I was thinking of writing an emotional story, but you see I made both of us locked in a room.
Well, that seems a good idea, we’re not in a room… but we both are locked in a room.
I mean Pity… P.I.T.Y.
(Pity for me, if you’re a guy, and pretty if the reader is a girl, A girl single since ever.)

Lemme first google the lyrics of Intentions by Justin Bieber –

'Picture perfect, you don't need no filter
Gorgeous, make 'em drop dead, you're a killer
Shower you with all my attention
Yeah, these are my only intentions…'

Enough of singing… let’s unlock ourselves from this room first.
After all my mood is ruined imagining myself locked in a room with a guy.

Since this is my story... m going to give myself some supernatural powers.
And m escaped from that room. I’ve 'anywhere door'.
No, m not cruel, m REALLY thinking to escape you as well… but pondering how?? HOW??

Let’s make you drown in an ocean.

Nah! That’s really cruel of me then.

It's 5 minutes and m still thinking


2 minutes 28 seconds.....

I just realized… 'anywhere door' is not having a limit, countless people can step in and step out.

So… yeah The End of the story.

© Screaming_Words