

My 1st period
Ok so...Period is nothing to be ashamed about...
I had my 1st period in grade ( I won't tell you)
(-____-") Ahm!
(I was knowing about period earlier as my mother taught about it to me well so, I wasn't afraid of it... XD)

Coming back to the story, So I was going out to my relative's place in afternoon, I was changing my outfit then I saw little to less stain (blood stain) on my trouser...TwT
Surprisingly I used to have no cramps back then; now it feels like hell tho!

So I happily told my mom that LoOk mOm I gOt mY 1st pErIOd!

She was like what? take the pad from there ( pointing at the cupboard she said).

I happily took the pad but, uh-uh I didn't knew how to use them up? TwT ( why I'm so clumsy)
later on my mumma helped me by directing me..

(believe me after taking pads, I wasn't able to sit! I remembered that I was walking on the relative's bed instead of sitting). (-/////-) I'm embarrassed ngl!

When I came back home, my mom asked me if I was okay? I nodded my little head saying yes I'm fine...
later on she gave me my hot pant and a t-shirt to wear and told me to rest! ; believe me I don't used to have deadly cramp back then like it happen now! These cramps are so annoying...

Specially smiling in pain while your stomach is tearing apart uff!

That was all the story...Thanks for reading and if you have similar experiences like this do share with me because mai ( vailli hu)...
Don't forget to tag me there...
Till then subh ratri...

#sapphire #sapphiremyoriginal @CuteBlue
© JoYouS